


In 2016, I spent a lot of the year being self employed as a beautician. It was a job that I loved to bits and it did wonders for my confidence at work ethic running my own business, but when I realised that I'd gotten all I wanted and all I could out of it and felt like it was time to move on, I felt like a bit of a failure. Being your own boss in a creative industry is the dream for so many people and admitting to myself that t wasn't my dream after all was hard. I'd always said I could never work in a 9-5 office environment and guess what? It's exactly what I'm doing and I genuinely have never been happier. Having a scheduled week, a steady, reliable wage and free weekends has left with me so much more time and freedom to live my life. The biggest thing I learned last year was absolutely that it's okay to change your mind and your path and it may be the best thing you've ever done.

So, that said, I've decided that 2017 is going to be a year of making memories. Last year, any time I had a little spare money, I'd buy clothes, shoes, homewares, makeup, just stuff. Of course, I'm human, I'm not vowing to give up all material possessions and live among nature (I may be a vegan, but I'm still a 21st Century female!!), but I do want to do much less buying and much more experiencing. Lately though, I've realised that as much as those things do make me happy, what I really love is going places and doing things, those are things that mean the most to me. Those things, not physical things are what will shape my personality and provide the best memories in years to come.

I think as a blogger it can feel like such huge pressure to have new things all the time for interesting outfit posts or product reviews and while I love doing those, I want to buy things because I reallywantthem, not because I feel like I should want them. I won't stop doing beauty and fashion posts because I still love that, but I will do them when I want to, not as a filler when I don't have anything else to write about.

So, a few goals for me for the rest of the year (better late than never!);

I LOVE live music, I would rather go to concerts than go on holidays most of the time and having already seen my favourite band ever (Green Day) once this year, I definitely want to do more of the same!

Explore London.
伦敦是世界上我最喜欢的城市,我住的年代o close to it and definitely don't take advantage of that enough! Despite knowing London relatively well, I really want to explore more of it, some of the tiny tucked away places that not everyone knows about. Any suggestions please let me know!

See family more.
I'm super close to my family and I love seeing them however life gets in the way sometimes and I'm determined to make more time to see them all as those times are so precious.

Learn German.
I was recently introduced to a free app that you can use to learn languages and I've started to re-learn German. I did it at GCSE level and was pretty good at it however as I didn't keep it up I've forgotten a fair bit and I'd really like to learn it again. I've always want a second language and while German may not necessarily be the most useful, it's a good place for me to start!

Book some time away.
Though I'm not really one for long beach holidays I do love going and seeing new places and I'd love to do a long weekend in a city I've never visited before, so again, any suggestions would be fab!

So, I think I've leave it here for now. A question to you all first though, would you like to see posts about these sorts of things? Reviews of events and places, or my recommendations of things to see and places to visit?

Let me know your thoughts!


Monday, 30 January 2017


Faux Cactus -Primark
你好垫子 -Next
Yellow Footstool -Next
Banana Tray -Primark
穿着整齐的雄鹿 -ASDA
Tile Print Mug -New Look
Globe -M&S
Lamp -Wayfair

你好可爱!Januar真了不起y isn't there? For all it's downfalls (and it hasmany),something I just love is the feeling of a fresh start. So, this January I did a complete home overhaul and Darren and I did a long overdue revamp of our living room. Since we moved in last December (as in 2015!), we'd had the same cushions and decor as we had since we moved in and as we were pretty broke when we first moved in, they were all pretty naff quality and were looking very tired! So, a few new cushions, a new bookshelf, lamp, shoe storage unit (lifesaver), a few decorative bits and a generous helping of fairy lights and our little cottage isfinallystarting to feel really quite homely! I'll do more homeware type posts in the near future, but I wanted to share with you all a few bits and bobs that I've been loving while browsing the web for even more bits to make our house a proper home.

As you can probably tell, I'm loving yellow right now! Our living room is vaugely yellow/ navy/ oak themed with a bit of a boho vibe, so that's what I had in mind with these picks. Primark have a huge range of homeware bits and they are just gorgeous,I've been obsessed with shopping there lately, you can get so much for your money too - perfect if you're just starting out in your first home. My particular favourites are the yellow pouffe/ footstool from Next and the 'Well Dressed Stag' from Asda, isn't he fab?

你怎么看?Where's your fave place to shop for homeware?


Sunday, 22 January 2017





你好可爱!I cannotbelieve十二月的发展速度有多快!我为许多节日的博客文章和事物制定了巨大的计划,但是在忙碌的工作时间,在家中,几天不可避免的冬季流感,这还没有完全发生!但是,现在还不太晚了,今天,我想与大家分享一个我为节日期间感到非常兴奋的食谱。这个圣诞节实际上将是我完全纯素食的第一个圣诞节,所以我一直在提出美味的节日食品食谱,这样我就不会整天吃豆芽(嗯!)。

For me, the best part of Christmas food was never the Christmas roast dinner (though stuffing and roast potatoes have a special place in my heart), but the evening food, the sausage rolls, sandwiches and crisps that we all probably unnecessarily snacked on later in the day while playing board games and drinking too much Prosecco. I decided that even though now I can't quite stomach the idea of anactualsausage roll, I still wasn't going to sit nibbling on pringles alone this year! So, the vegan sausage roll experiment began!

Now don't get me wrong, I love cooking. I love making things from scratch, experimenting with lots of different ingredients and flavours, but with these, I wanted to keep it simple and more importantly, fairly cheap and easy to do. So, you won't find a list of obscure ingredients and expensive spices and seasonings here, basically, these are just one big shortcut with a seriously yummy outcome, so while these sausage rolls aren't going to give any chefs anything to lose sleep over, they're still sure to be a hit with your vegan and hopefully non vegan friends this Christmas.

For these, I got almost all my ingredients from Aldi, all except the lentils, which for some reason they don't seem to sell, but you can get lentils at most supermarkets so that won't be a problem. So, you will need;
Sliced mushrooms (Again, any kind, I used frozen for speed)
Sausage casserole seasoning (again, I used Aldi as it's vegan)
Sage and Onion stuffing mix
Pre rolled puff pastry

As with almost every other recipe I've ever done ever, I don't measureanything.我确实认为这完全取决于口味,但基本上,我使用大致相等的蘑菇和小扁豆,然后根据需要调整馅料混合物。因此,例如,一个杯子里装满了煮熟的小扁豆和一个装满煮熟的蘑菇的杯子,然后足够的馅料混合物将它们全部绑在一起。您可以随便适应,但是这里确实没有对与错!

To start, I cook my lentils in veg stock on the stove. While they cook, I take my (defrosted) mushrooms, make up some thick gravy and add all the mushrooms and a little gravy to a blender, I then blend them up, adding a little gravy at a time until the mushrooms are totally blended and make a thick liquid/ paste. You don't want to make this too runny, but sort of like a super thick smoothie. When the lentils are cooked, you'll want to drain off all the liquid and add the mushroom smoothie (nice) to them. Add your sausage casserole seasoning and stir through, it'll all still be very runny at the point, but that's where the sage and onion stuffing come in! Add the dried stuffing mix to the mixture until it becomes thick enough to hold its shape. I then put the mixture into a greased loaf tin in the oven for around 20 minutes to cook through.

一旦它从烤箱中出来,就取出预先卷的糕点,将“香肠”混合物切成条。我怀疑我需要告诉您如何将它们卷成香肠卷的形状,但只有几个快速提示。我总是在每卷上几次糕点,以便将混合物一路煮熟,我还使用少量植物性牛奶将糕点粘在连接处,并在顶部使用一点来给他们一个金色饰面 - 不需要鸡蛋清洗!

Sorry if this recipe is a little vague, I'm definitely no chef, but my non vegan fiance absolutely loves these, as do I and I promise these are super easy and self explanatory once you start making them! These will be the perfect addition to your Christmas feast and from what I remember, they taste pretty similar to the real thing, so you're sure to impress all your non vegan friends and family!





Snow Fairy Gift Set -郁郁葱葱
Jewellery Tray -Debenhams
Bodycare Set -Boux Avenue
Bobble Hat -Primark
睡衣 -Primark
POM POM钥匙扣 -Harrods
Makeup Bag -Harrods
Snowflake Cookie Candle -Yankee Candle
Rollerball Perfume Set -New Look
Revolution Lipgloss Trio -Superdrug

你好可爱!Another Christmas gift guide for you all! I know the blogosphere is full to bursting with festive posts right now, but I think inexpensive guides like this are much more reasonable and realistic for the majority of people. I see so many high end gift guides, which are lovely, but not always ideal if you're looking to buy a small gift for a friend! So, as the title suggests, everything in the gift guide is £10 or less, perfect for stocking fillers, or just a little something for someone special.

郁郁葱葱的总是赢家为礼物他们不是only gorgeously scented and fab for your skin, they also come beautifully packaged, which is great for saving a bit of time wrapping presents. One shop that I think is seriously on point with their gifts this year is Debenhams. The gift section in their stores is beautiful, you can find something for pretty much anyone and their prices are very reasonable too. The jewellery tray in particular is a favourite of mine. I love jewellery trays and this one is just too cute! Another favourite of mine at Christmas is Boux Avenue, I adore their underwear but their gift section is my absolute favourite. Like Lush, they also gift wrap beautifully with every online order or in store purchase. This little bodycare gift set is such a wonderful gift on it's own, but their gifts are actually all three for two, so that's perfect if you have a few people to buy for and the fancy packaging feels a little bit for luxurious too!

说到奢侈品,我在10英镑以下的10英镑给他的礼物指南中提到,哈罗德斯的任何东西总是感觉更特别,所以对于这篇文章,我选择了我最喜欢的两种少女礼物。在撰写本文时,化妆包的价格为10英镑,所以我认为可以包括它!手指交叉保持这种方式!另一个是POM POM钥匙戒指,我知道这些戒指现在无处不在,但是谁不想要Harrods的人,对吧?

From high end to high street, Primark hasso现在有很多华丽的事情,但是这款毛茸茸的帽子和缎面睡衣是我绝对最喜欢的两个。两者都非常适合节日季节,但它们也将在整个冬季工作。对于您一生中几乎所有女士的小礼物,我认为雪花饼干蜡烛,滚筒套装和Lipgloss三重奏都是很棒的礼物。蜡烛是我一直以来最喜欢的节日气味,它是超级甜蜜的,因此,如果您不喜欢含糖的甜味,那可能不是您的事,但我很痴迷!新外观的滚筒套装非常可爱,因为气味都不同,可以带您整整一年,它们非常方便地放在您的包中,全天放在小香水上。我喜欢化妆革命作为品牌,因此他们的任何礼物都将成为赢家。我认为像这样便宜的化妆礼品套装对任何女孩都很好,但是尤其是对于那些从化妆开始的人来说,很高兴收到一些东西。


Send any gift guides you've done over my way as I've found them seriously useful this year!
