Monday, 11 June 2012


Just thought I'd share a few things I've had my eye on recently. Lately, I've been loving all things super girly and cute and summer time-ish - even if 'Summer' here has been pretty non-existent lately! Though to be honest, the bad weather makes me want to buy lovely summery things even more, just to feel a little bit brighter!
1.我从未想过我会说这个但是我lovethe cat eye sunglasses trend, these are so crazy and silly but so cool! They remind me of the old barbie dolls in their black and white swimsuit with the cute little white sunglasses, does anyone remember those?
2. How sweet in the print on this dress? I love the little deers, so so adorable!
3. Oh how I wish my wardrobe contained more high-low skirts. This is one of my favourite trends right now, this one is so so pretty, I neeeed more of these in my life!
4. You can't really tell from the photo but these shorts are neon pink, I must admit I am a bit scared of neon but I don't think these are too scary at all. I've decided I want to be brave and get some neon in my wardrobe soon!
5. I've been looking for a lovely pair of floral skinny jeans for so long and I love love love these! They floral pattern is quite subtle which I like, these would look so lovely paired with a pretty pink vest and simple flats.
6. Another high-low skirt? How pretty is the pattern on this? It's quite bold without being over the top, i can imagine this on the beach or for a meal out on holiday.



  1. Lovely skirts, I have also been loving all the summery things out in the shops at the moment !!
    Nicole :) xx

  2. those floral jeans are to die for!! <3 I'm completely in love with them :)
    Your style is amazing and I love this blog!

    PS- There's a new outfit post on my blog! Hope you have the time to take a quick look :)


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