Sunday, 11 November 2012


This beauty is the last of the three dresses I received fromShikha London.I planned to do this post much much earlier but with my room being redecorated, I couldn't get to all of my clothes in my wardrobe! I will be posting photos of this on asap but I wanted to share it with you as soon as I could.
Let me just say that the photos are not doing this dress justice, it isbeautiful.I was actually unsure about the orange back at first but it makes it so much more interesting. It looks quite straight and simple but this dress is seriously flattering on. It's a perfect short but nottooshort length too.
I do worry with sequinned dresses that they might be a bit uncomfortable but there's no danger of that with this one, it's got a lovely silky built in slip that makes it feel so luxurious to wear.
I think I might wear this on New Years eve as it's so unique, I think the orange back is quite unexpected. I'd pair this with simple nude heels, or even some orange ones if I could find some to match! This dress definitely doesn't need accessories as it's so special on it's own.



  1. this looks super pretty! i love the unexpected orange!

    -ariel* xoxo

  2. ohhh i love me some sequins at the moment! sparkle sparkle sparkle :)

    subbed to your blog via RSS, in case I haven't said so :)

    Miss drifted Snow White

  3. This looks gorgeous! Great for Christmas parties! So glittery and pretty :)

  4. love that sequin dress!


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