Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Hello lovelies!

我从爸爸身边那里得到了祖父母的这些位。这些人可能对某些人来说似乎有点奇怪,但我的主要礼物来自我的父母(我实际上没有拍摄的照片!)是按摩桌和美容推车,所以我可以在我家中设置一个迷你沙龙!所以我问我楠和爷爷有一些美容用品。这些位会非常方便 - 我也喜欢他们选择的彩色毛巾!


这些雅芳位来自我的男朋友妈妈。我喜欢香水很多,小红裙子一个很好,因为它如此紧凑。指甲油是新的一年的华丽金银和银泥!睫毛膏也很棒,画笔类似于Covergirl Lashblast,如果你认识我,你会知道我爱我的Lashblast!

My twin sister Hannah got me this super cute penguin from the Build A Bear Workshop, I was so (childishly) excited to see the build a bear box! She also got me this gorgeous washbag from H&M with some new look socks and soap and glory goodies inside.

This mini dove set and bath bombs were both table presents. We always do little table presents at Christmas, It's so sweet and fun to see what everyone gets.

How cute is this dressing gown from my Mum and Dad?! I'm sat wearing it writing this post!

My Mum and Dad also got me the Soap and Glory 'Best of all' set, which I'm sure you've all heard a LOT about! It really is a fantastic set though and I was so excited to get it. I'm loving this and I'll definitely do some in depth reviews of some of the products.

Inspired by my Marilyn Monroe themed bedroom, my parents also bought me this little tin and umbrella (always useful in the UK). I love things like this, I'm going to use the tin to go on my bedside table to put bracelets and things in.

Also from my parents, I got Benefit the POREfessional primer, Clarins everlasting foundation, MAC Diva lipstick and MAC Cherry lip liner. All perfect items for this time of year!

我的妈妈和爸爸也让我这些可爱的米e to you bear slippers - how cute are they? And this little jar was a present from my Auntie, it has things like ribbon, buttons, sequins and rhinestones in it. It's so useful for doing little crafty things and I can't wait to use it! My Auntie also got me some super cute pink fluffy ear muffs, which I didn't manage to get a photo of as they're currently being worn by the Santa Claus toy in our living room!!

I was definitely spoiled by Darren this year! He got me this gorgeous sequinned skirt from New Look, a book (love this series), MAC Creme d'nude lipstick (will definitely do a review!), a me to you bear and a Tiffany Necklace(!!!!!) I wasso当我打开它并看到蓝色盒子时兴奋,这是我能不能尖叫并上下跳跃的一切。年度的男朋友奖?

As I said, my main present from my parents is going to be my mini salon, so I'll definitely get photos of that as soon as I'm all set up! I also got some money and gift vouchers from other family members so expect some sales hauls. I also had a few presents from friends which I got early so I want to say thank you to absolutely每个人,not just the people mentioned! I am so grateful for everything I received for Christmas and couldn't be happier.

I had such a lovely day and I hope every single one of you had a fab Christmas and have a wonderful New Year!



  1. 我喜欢梳妆台,很高兴听到你有一个伟大的圣诞x

  2. 所有的礼物看起来都很可爱,迫不及待地看到你的迷你沙龙的照片听起来如此酷的xxxxx

  3. Where is the dressing gown from? It's lovely! :)
    You got some fab gifts, jealous of the S&G kit!

  4. You got some amazing presents! Your dressing gown is so cute :) What a good idea to set up a mini salon in your house!


  5. Lovely gifts!! My boyfriend bought me that necklace for our anniversary!! Its lovely xoxo

  6. Lovely :) the necklace is gorgeous. I got the S&G set too, I love it! xx

  7. 你有一些可爱的压力!



  8. 可爱的礼物,你看起来真的很漂亮,你穿着敷料的衣服:)
    - x cerys x -

  9. Aww I want the dressing gown! - So cute. The tiffany necklace is stunning :) xx


If you have any questions feel free to tweet me @chloesway xo