Monday, 18 March 2013


Can I just start by saying I spelt 'Procrastinating' right first time without copy and pasting it. Little bit proud of that. Anyway, I was tagged to do this post by the gorgeous Aly fromWonderland Beauty我绝对喜欢读她的答案,这一标签似乎很有趣,所以我们在这里!

1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do.
Fake tan. I'll use it once or twice and love it and promise myself I'll keep up with it and be lovely and bronzed forevermore, but no. I'm a total flake. In the meantime, I'll just pretend I'm embracing the pale look.

2.Is washing your makeup brushes something you do regularly?
When was the last lunar eclipse again...? Not really, I'm not that bad. But seriously my brushes are lucky to be washed once a month. But do you ever look at your brushes and think ahh they're fine they can go another day, then whoops! A day becomes two weeks. I've not got any dirty brush related skin diseases just yet though so I can't be that bad, right?

3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
I just won't. I rarely wear regular nail polish because it gets in the way when I do clients nails, I usually have gels, but when I do, the minute it chips, it comes off. Ihatechipped nails.

4. How long do you put off buying/replacing a beauty or nail polish product even if you need it? (i.epurchasing a new topcoat, or a new foundation etc.)
I repurchase before it runs out if it's something I absolutely can't be without - i.e. foundation, eyeliner. But if it's something I have several of like a blush or lipstick, I'll only replace it if I really start to miss the specific product. To be honest though, I'm fickle with most things (bar a few holy grail items), so I don't always replace, I'll try something new. All for the sake of blogging and reviews, of course ;)

I don't have any bad habits as such, but I'm stuck in the cat eyeliner rut, which is sort of a habit and one I wish I could break! I love the winged eyeliner look, but I do wish I didn't feel so naked without it. Going out without black winged liner is just unthinkable. You know those dreams when you're naked in front of everyone you know? Yeah, that.

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
This is weird, but getting ready for bed. Not in a childish way, but everything I need to do before bed, like take off my make up, moisturise my whole body, put hair oil in, brush my teeth etc etc etc, gets left to the last minute when I'msotired that I'm brushing my teeth with one eye closed. The problem is, I cannot fall asleep without doing all of these things first. I will never learn.

7. When going out somewhere, do youleave准备直到最后一刻或不是?
If it's work, or something else that's pretty important, then no. If it's just shopping, a night out, seeing friends/ family, basically anything where I'll be forgiven for being late then absolutely yes. It drives my boyfriend mad, just yesterday we were going out for dinner and instead of getting ready to leave I was trying to get him to play a 'guess the song by the intro' game. It was a fun game mind you.

8. Can you commit to spending bans?
I've never tried but maybe. I think if I was working a lot and had distractions then sure. I'd also have to be banned from reading blogs, you guys are such a bad influence! ;)

9. How organized is your makeup and nail polish collection?
So so, I have my everyday makeup bag, which is a bit of a shambles but it has everything I need (and then some), so I know what I'm looking for and its sort of easy to find. The rest of my makeup is better though, all my face products, lip products, eye products and nail polishes are in separate boxes so I know exactly where to look when I want to find something.

10. What is the longest amount of time you have gone without writing a blog post?
I'm not too sure, maybe a week or so. I'll generally write a little something if I'm feeling uninspired, just so no one sends out a search party, which would absolutely completely happen.It wouldn't. What I actually did last time was posted a picture of a sad dog apologizing for my absence.

1. copy and paste these 'rules' into your post when you write it!
2.你必须年代tate that this tag was created by Laura fromThe Beau Bow.
3. You must thank the person who tagged you at the start of your post, follow them if you're feeling nice and at the end of your post state who you tag, and comment on their blog to let them know you tagged them.
4. Title this post 'The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger TAG' .
5. Have fun!:)

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this post, thanks again to Aly for tagging me - you're a babe!



哦,P.S,我的肥皂和荣耀赠品昨晚关闭,获胜者是JenKitsch N Sync!
Well done Jen, I have emailed the winner and her prize will be on it's way soon.



  1. I love this post! Such a great tag, I might give it a go :) xx

    1. Thanks! Let me know if you do, I'd love to read it :) xx

  2. Think I might do this.. can I still do it if I'm not tagged? x

  3. 我完全相同关于削减指甲油 - 我无法处理它!伟大的标签,谢谢你的标签,我肯定会这样做!

    -ariel* xoxo

    1. Yay! Can't wait to see your answers :) xx

  4. Cute answers Chloe!
    Loved reading this :)


  5. This was really fun to read, one thing I hate doing is body moisturising, I'm normally exhausted when I get out the shower x

    1. 哈哈,我同意!我必须这样做,我的皮肤变得如此干燥:( xx

  6. Oh wow!! This is an amazing tag... I think I might have to do this!! xx

    1. yay! let me know if you do :) xx

  7. Ooo I loved reading this!! Thanks for the tag Chloe, i've popped it in my favourites and it will be done in the foreseeable future! xx

    1. Woo! Can't wait to see it :) xx

    2. Hi Chloe, here's the link if you fancied a nosy! :) xx

  8. Great post, defiantly going to do this! Thanks so much for tagging me :-) xx

    1. Ahh cool! Can't wait to see it! xx

  9. Haha. This is perfect. There's so much upkeep to be done that sometimes we procrastinate more than we actually do. ...or at least I do.


  10. I'm exactly the same with getting ready for bed! I've even been known to come in from a night out and just collapse in my outfit with my face full on make up still on - eeek!


    Jen xxx

    1. Ah you're welcome! Posted it first class today so should be with you soon! xx

  11. I completely agree with no.6, I'm doing it right now. I didn't even need make up on today as I've not left the house!

    1. Haha glad I'm not the only one!! :) xx

  12. This has given me a great idea to do tags :P
    thanks for doing this


  13. I've been looking for a fun beauty related tag to do...Might give this one a go. Loving your blog by the way :) <3


Thanks so much for your comment, I read and appreciate every single one! If you leave me your link I will always do my best to check out your blog too!
If you have any questions feel free to tweet me @chloesway xo