Sunday, 8 December 2013


Hi lovelies! Recently, I've seen this Christmas tag created byMakeup-Pixi3floating around my reading list and I decided to just right on the bandwagon and do it myself! I love Christmas tags, most because there's nothing I like to ramble on about more than Christmas, so if you know of any more of these, definitely let me know as I'd love to check them out! So, let's get into the questions!

1.你喜欢一个真正的圣诞树啊r synthetic?
As much as I love real trees, I actually prefer synthetic, real trees smell lovely and look fab, but they also shed more than a Golden Retriever and they don't last all that long before they start going brown. And they're a bit of a fire hazard and I'm a bit funny about that sort of thing!

2. You're in a coffee shop, it's December, what do you pick?

White hot chocolate any day of the week! I'm not a big coffee drinker and I love white hot chocolate much more than regular.

3. Whats your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?

My tree at home is red and gold, which I love, but I think if I were to change it, I'd love to do white and silver. I'm working on a white and silver Christmas craft, so look out for that post very soon!

4. Giving or receiving?

It's so predictable to say this, but I genuinely do really love giving presents. Receiving them is lovely and super exciting, but I also get really excited to see if people like presents I've given them. I put a lot of thought into presents I buy and I like to take time choosing the perfect gift and wrapping it really nicely, so I really look forward to giving presents on the day and seeing what people think of them!

5. To mince pie or not to?

To, always to. I really like mince pies and I'd choose them over Christmas pudding every time. I really don't like Christmas Pudding, especially the ones soaked in alcohol, uggh. That really wasn't the question though, so to answer the question, yes to mince pie!

6. What's your traditional Sunday lunch?
Nothing too exciting or groundbreaking, just the usual Turkey, Potatoes, 3 Veg, Yorkshire puds and pigs in blankets!! And of course, Christmas Crackers, Table Presents and After Eight mints (duh).

7. Christmas day fashion
We usually dress up a little, but there's no strict rule in our house. We do always get dressed though, we're not really a PJs all day family! I'll usually wear a pretty dress and a santa hat all day!

8. What's your favourite Christmas song?
Fairytale of New York or Last Christmas, love them!

9. What's your favourite Christmas film?
So. Many.Allof the Home Alones, Elf, Four Christmasses, ohh and the Holiday!

10. Open presents before or after lunch?
Before, how anyone can wait til after is beyond me. I am amassivechild on Christmas Day, particularly when it comes to giving presents, I'm the one sitting by the tree, handing out presents going 'open this one!! this one's mine, open mine!!

Let me know if you do this tag, or if you already have done, as I love reading them!



  1. I've just drafted a Christmas Tag post - it's a bit different to this one though! Have you tried Costa's honeycomb hot chocolate? It's the best festive drink!Xx


  2. Aw your christmas days sound lovely!



  3. Aw I love this tag, might have to do it over on my blog! xx

  4. I just watched the holiday for the first time this year and fell in love with it! I can't believe I didn't know about it prior to this year! I'm definitely a synthetic Christmas tree person, it sounds unusual but I'm not fond of the smell of real Christmas trees! great tag, I'm 100% in the Christmas spirit right now!

    -ariel* xoxo

  5. I just did this tag on my blog,and it was fun. x


Thanks so much for your comment, I read and appreciate every single one! If you leave me your link I will always do my best to check out your blog too!
If you have any questions feel free to tweet me @chloesway xo