

嗨lovelies!另一个婚礼主题博客帖子因为是的,我很迷恋。如果你知道Darren和我在全部,你会意识到我们并不是“孩子的人”。这并不是说我们不喜欢孩子,但是要说我们与他们不太经历,所以当它来到我们婚礼上的孩子时,我们有点不确定该怎么办。我们没有自己的孩子,也没有计划很快就会有任何时间(if at all)所以我们不确定我们是否需要得到任何东西来让他们娱乐,无论他们均匀需要anything and if so, what?!


有了这些知识,我继续寻找Wedding themed colouring books. I felt like something personalised and themed around Weddings would look more suited to it's intended purpose of giving the kids something to keep them happy and not bored out of their minds by all the speeches and grown up stuff going on around them, whereas any old colouring book may look like we're just saying 'we really hope your offspring stays quiet right now, so have this'. That could just be me overthinking it, but as much as we aren't too clued up on the ways of small people, we do appreciate them coming and celebrating our big day as much as any other guest and want them to feel like they've been thought of as much as the grown ups.Weddings are long and potentially boring days for kids, the speeches being arguably the most difficult part for them what with all the sitting still, so these little activity books will (hopefully!) provide a little entertainment.

一世found these adorable little personalised activity books oneBay.(那个网站真的是救世主,谈到了这些小婚礼细节!),他们是A6的大小,所以不太大,也没有太小,也没有那么酷的多色蜡笔/铅笔的东西。一世生活对于这些铅笔以及我的名字作为一个孩子,所以我希望他们也希望他们也爱这些!专业尖端 - 铅笔和蜡笔不会弄脏衣服,避免在所有费用中留下暗示,事故发生!我最喜欢这些 - 除了前面的可爱设计和课程的可爱设计 - 是他们没有的只是有着色页。有20页的着色,Word搜索,迷宫,点点,颜色按数字,发现差异和小任务,如“装饰蛋糕”和“在婚礼上画自己”。因此,我没有觉得有必要为不同年龄的孩子改变礼物,因为他们都有一些东西。



Chloe X.



如果您有任何疑问,请随时推文我@chloesway xo