

Well hello again! Another music related post for you all today, this time though, it’s a review with a bit of a difference. I’m not going to be reviewing a band, an album or a gig, but instead the ‘London Rock Tour’, which was a tour my Husband and I went on last summer. It’s essentially a tour of all the rock and roll ‘landmarks’ in London, from Pink Floyd’s studio to Abbey Road. If this sounds like your kinda day out, then read on!

我们在Piccadilly Circus附近的原始旅游预订中心遇到了Bright,并遇到了我们的导游,Lee和所有其他将加入我们的人参加了这次旅行。Lee只是Fab,并确保在所有人的名字中勾勒出我们的名字时都会了解一些人。我们的巡回演出中有来自世界各地的人,李确保找出每个人的名字以及他们来自哪里,并设法整天记住这些细节!因此,进行了介绍,我们在上午9点出发开始巡回演出。

We all jumped into the minivan (with band logos and branding printed all over the sides, love) and before we set off, Lee asked each couple or group what their favourite British bands were so he could personalise the tour slightly. Though there are places they go on every tour, he said he’d try to find at least something of some relevance to everyone’s favourite band or artist, which I thought was a great touch.

不幸的是,我不记得我们看到的每一件事以及我们看到的顺序,但是我会尽力涵盖我能做的,而不必为那些想参加这次旅行的人提供太多细节。我确实记得的是,我想我应该做笔记!李对伦敦音乐界有如此深入的了解,他很着迷。他讲的关于英国乐队及其历史的故事是如此自然,您可以说这是他真正关心的东西,而不仅仅是从剧本中学到的单词。您可以喊出任何英国摇滚音乐家的名字,李有一个故事要讲。Something I particularly loved was that he’d play music from each of the artists we were discussing at the time, which re-ignited my love for many bands I’d not really listened to since my Dad used to play me all his favourites when I was a tiny kid!

这次巡回演出的另一个特别重要的方面是,这不仅仅是“从公共汽车的窗户看这个录音室”,我们实际上几次下车,环顾四周,甚至走进几个地方探索。One in particular was ‘Regent Sounds’, a guitar shop that used to be Regents Sounds Recording Studio where bands including Black Sabbath, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Who, The Rolling Stones and The Kinks had all once recorded singles or demos in their early careers. This studio is on Denmark Street, or ‘Tin Pan Alley’. While we were there, we also saw a site that used to be a coffee shop where David Bowie was among their regular customers. Those into music will know that Denmark Street has some of the most musical history that London has to offer, that’s why it was a particularly interesting and somewhat sad part of the tour, as Denmark Street isn’t what it used to be and lots of renovations around the area are slowly changing one of London’s most historic musical streets. The history of the area was just fascinating to learn about though and it was definitely a highlight of the tour.

除其他外,我们看到了保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)的伦敦办公室,这是孩子们在平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)的《墙上的另一块砖》中唱歌的学校,来自Trident Studios的David Bowie的蓝色牌匾和Camden的Amy Winehouse的房子。同样,在所有这些方面,我们在那里度过了一段时间,在某些情况下,在该地区周围展示了所有的历史和发生的事情。再说一次,我不会太多的细节,以免为任何计划前进的人毁了巡回演出的惊喜,但是每个地方都有如此惊人的故事,李知道每个细节!即使在城市周围开车,他也要指向门口,并告诉您有关保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)的快速轶事,或者去商店告诉您以前的事。令人惊讶的是,在我们城市中,几乎您所在的任何地方都隐藏了多少历史!

The final stop on the tour was the famous Abbey Road studios and Abbey Road crossing from the Beatles album of the same name. Lee made sure everyone got the iconic crossing photo and that we all got plenty of time to browse around the studio gift shop to pick up souvenirs.


If you are interested, you can book the tourherethrough viator, tickets are £35 each and worth every penny (though I am biased!).

Thanks so much for reading if you've made it this far! If you have any questions or would like to know more about what went on on the tour, please do head to myTwitterorInstagram,我想聊天!



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