Showing posts with labelducks.Show all posts
Showing posts with labelducks.Show all posts

Friday, 10 May 2013


windy weather - my first ever subway! -marc jacobs perfume
changing the ipad background in sainsburys - darren's birthday morning - back to beauty school
£17 in change, fab - nandos, for a change - sexy sunglasses
my birthday weekend - birthday present from work - went to victoria's secret for the first time in the UK!
starbucks - sitting next to annoying people on the train -oops, expensive (but beautiful) bikini!
a birthday present from darren, love it! - small birthday cake - re-organising
neon pink trainers - nails at work - my grandad's expert parking skills
ducky car park take over - vinnie, cutest puppy ever - neon skirt, love it!

Hi lovelies! Sorry I've been a bit absent lately, as you can see I've been a busy bee the last couple of weeks! It's been my boyfriends birthday, my own birthday, I've been working lots, seeing family, learning new things at beauty school and meeting a lovely puppy and some rebellious ducks. I have a few reviews and things to post very very soon so let me know if you have any other post ideas for the next few days.

I'll be back with more interesting posts very soon!
What have you been up to lately?
