


嗨,Lovelies!希望你们都很好,在英国,你们中的那些人都享受了美丽的天气!这篇文章是另一个夏季主题,还有更多的户外照片!您可以看到阳光枯竭了,不是最可爱的背景,但是由于这不是园艺博客,我认为您可以让我离开。英国在这里真是太热了,所以夏天的衣服已经出去了,这意味着必须是夏季配饰!因此,当我被约翰·格雷德(John Greed)的珠宝联系时,他们问我是否想尝试几片,我非常兴奋!

这些作品都来自约翰贪婪夏季有限公司llection and I think they're perfect for this season. I chose these three pieces as I have a lot of brightly coloured clothes, as well as plainer black and white pieces, so these pieces are perfect as they'll match a brighter dress for a night out, or glam up a simpler outfit to make it more seasonally appropriate! I chose these华丽的 明亮的滴耳环正如我认为它们的完美搭配颜色鲜艳或图案的连衣裙,这太多了,戴着项链太多了(我有完美的项链 - 很快就会来!)或穿着纯黑色或白色的连衣裙。这些可能是我选择的最喜欢的东西,因为它们是这样的声明作品,但这是非常意外的。我有几条声明项链,但几乎不会换我的耳环,但是这些婴儿足以让我将其切换为改变!下一件是一个可爱的小东西pink floral bracelet,,,,I don't buy too many bracelets but there was something about this that I really loved. It's such a pretty piece, I thought it'd look lovely with simple, pretty outfits on an evening out. I think this would look fab with a simple cream chiffon cami and lightwash jeans (yet another possible ootd!!). Then finally, the last piece is this sweetflower peace necklace,我喜欢简单服装的长项链,这太漂亮了。我认为这将制作出令人惊叹的节日作品,上面有花冠和一些牛仔短裤 - 太可爱了!现在我只需要参加一个节日...

Overall, I'm very impressed with the quality of these pieces, especially for the very reasonable prices.John Greednot only stocks pieces like this, but brands such as Thomas Sabo, Pandora and Links of London. It's definitely worth checking out, whether you want something a bit special, or just some fab fashion jewellery you'll definitely find something you'll love!





top - local store
迪斯科裤子(骗子)-TK Maxx
鞋子 - 运动直接
项链- matalan
戒指 -OASAP*

Another rather simple outfit today, nothing too fancy as I've just got work today, woo! Probably going to go shopping for a bit with the boyfriend afterwards, returned the new look jeans I mentioned yesterday, sob.
在其他新闻中,迪斯科裤子!这些只是我在TK Maxx中发现的便宜副本,但我实际上非常喜欢它们,它们非常舒适且非常厚,这很棒,因为这意味着我可以将它们戴在这样的较短上衣的情况下,并最小的流浪汉曝光。薄薄的绑腿和短上衣永远不会是一个很好的外观(对不起,如果您喜欢的话,但这确实是事实)。
这些天的天气特别是双极的,昨天我在跳线上,今天的背心,如果可以弥补的话,那将是晶圆厂 - 我非常期待佩戴所有可爱的蓬松的跳线和靴子。我会改变我的想法,11月,您就等待!


Saturday, 9 June 2012


西装外套- f&f @tesco *
牛仔裤- f&f @ tesco *
top - new look
项链- matalan
bracelet - matalan
袋子 - 银行
鞋子 - 新外观


On another note, it's my Mum's birthday today and her and Dad are on their way back from a holiday in Majorca, I'm so jealous! They're going to be so tanned! Today, I went into town with my sister to get last minute things like balloons, a birthday banner, flowers, cake etc etc for when Mum gets back so that'll be nice. Hope you're all having a great day!


Tuesday, 22 May 2012


顶 - 刺激器
牛仔裤 - 弗雷泽之家的治疗
鞋子 - 新外观
开衫 - 顶部
项链(刚看到) - 库克
手镯(L -R) - Matalan,Pisa,Barcelona,Topshop,eBay
nails - topshop flamingo coral

Plain white Tees, get it? I think that may be my cleverest title ever. No? Oh well
I do like a simple outfit every now and again, I paired my favourite dark wash skinny jeans with a simple fitted t-shirt and decided to make the accessories, mainly she lovely shoes (recognize these?) the focus point of the outfit. I love layering bracelets like this, I think they look quite cute together, I particularly love that a couple of them are from abroad! The shoes are my favourite bit though, how cute are these? I rambled on about them in the post I did about them so I'm sure we don't need all that again!
无论如何,很快就要上大学,对于那些感兴趣的人来说,这是我一直在制作的衣服的照片。请忽略娜塔莉·卡西迪(Natalie Cassidy)的头,戳出模特的顶部,我的班级有点精神!

Have a great day!




连衣裙 - 多萝西·珀金斯(Dorothy Perkins)
鞋- next
bracelet - matalan

Rather simple one today but I absolutely adore this dress! I got it on sale in Dorothy Perkins the other day, it was only £12 and it was the last one! I was so happy that they actually had it in my size, I'm rarely lucky with sales!
We're having our first summer bbq today as the weather's really nice, I'm so excited, I love spending time outside in the garden, we hardly get the chance with the silly british weather!
Anyway, gonna be a quick one as I'm off to the pub now, have a great day lovelies!


Wednesday, 9 May 2012


blouse - primark
短裤 - Primark
靴子 - 本地商店
手镯 - Matalan/ Topshop

讽刺的是,这篇文章的名字在外面下雨了 - 哦!
Hope you all have a good day!




jumper - new look
牛仔裤- primark
开衫 - 顶部
项链- primark
bracelet - matalan
靴子 - 本地商店

I bought this jumper yesterday, it was on sale for just £6 in New Look, how amazing is that?! I've been looking for a minty coloured jumper like this for absolutely ages and pretty much did a little dance when I found this one. I love mixing pastels at the moment, this is definitely my favourite trend, which I'm sure you're all aware of by now!
昨晚我重新饰演头发,我不知道您是否可以从这些照片中分辨出来,但是当我刚染头发时,我喜欢它,它使它变得如此新鲜和新鲜!以防万一您想知道,我自己染了头发,我使用漂亮的N Easy Ultra Light Ash Blonde Box Dye。
Hope you all have a lovely day!
